The PKS Law Group, P.C. is pleased to announce a new member of our legal team!
Today marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Federal Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act).
The PKS Law Group, P.C. was honored to participate in IREM’s Sacramento Restart Program with Women’s Empowerment.
On October 15, 2017, Gov. Jerry Brown signed the “Gender Recognition Act” creating a third nonbinary gender for California State identification do
Recently California passed Assembly Bill No. 551, a new bed bug law imposing several requirements for owners and managers of rental property.
On May 22, 2017, the Mountain View Rental Housing Committee announced the 2017 general rent adjustment for covered units at 3.4%.
On May 10, 2017, the Residential Landlord and Tenant Relations Ordinance (“Ordinance”) for the City of Union City went into effect.